17 JANUARY 1920, Page 15


tTo THE EDITOR OF TEE " SPECTATOR."1 SIR,—Will you kindly allow me to acknowledge with grateful thanks a generous donation of ten guineas which has been sent to me anonymously by a reader of the Spectator for the funds of the Central Association for the Care of the Mentally Defec- tive ? We know how pressing are the claims of many social interests at the present time, but venture to say few are more urgent than those of the mentally defective. We are continu- ally being met with the despairing cry that the cases who present insuperable difficulties and who cannot be dealt with effectively are the feeble-minded. Yet, in spite of this, it is not easy to arouse the public to a sense of the gravity or extent of this problem. We can get assistance for cripples, for the blind and the deaf, but for defectives we have great difficulty in obtaining the help they so sorely need.—I am, Sir, &c.,


Central Association for the Care of the Menially Defective, Queen Anne's Chambers, Westminster. S.W. I.