Sra,—I thank you for your sympathetic words in the Spectator of May 10th in connection with the happy recovery of our Queen, but I hope you will allow me a rectification of two statements in your article, " The Dutch Succession." You say: "The Dutch in all human probability would insist that if the Grand Duke [of Saxe-Weimar] accepted the throne he should resign his own Principality." There would be no need for insisting, because according to the 23rd Article of the Fundamental Law: of the Kingdom, the King of the Netherlands cannot be Sovereign of any other country, with the only exception of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Secondly, you say that after the Grand Duke the nearest successor would be Prince Albrecht of Hohenzollern. The next heir to the throne of the Netherlands, if the Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar resigned, would be the Grand Duke's aunt, Princess Mary of Saxe-Weimar, married to Prince Henry of Reuss (who is not a reigning Prince), and her children, four in number.—I am, Sir, &c.,