ON THE OLD TRAIL.* THIRTY-TWO years have elapsed since Bret Harte's Luck of Roaring Camp was noticed in these columns, and it is curious to see how much of the earlier criticism......
Pat Ricia Of The Hills. By Charles Kennett Burrow....
Bullen. 6s.)—This is a " neo-Irish " story, of the type of which " Hurrish " is a well-known representative. It is the Ireland of Land Leagues and Coercion Acts and proclaimed......
Shillelagh And Shamrock. By M. Mcd. Bodkin, K.c. (chatto And
Windus. 6s.)—There is something of the " neo-Irish " note in these tales, but some of the sixteen—for the volume con- tains • a collection of short stories—remind us of " Wild......
A New Trafalgar. By A. C. Curtis. (smith, Elder, And
Co. 6s.) — We have not sufficient technical knowledge to say whether Mr. Curtis's " battle-forts " and the "devil-ship exterminators" are possible craft or merely the figments......
At Sunwich Port. By W. W. Jacobs. (g. Newnes. 6s.) — A
one-act farce is a familiar and not unpopular kind of enter- tainment. But a farce in three or five acts is not likely to hold the attention of an audience. At Sunwich Port is......
Woodside Farm. By Mrs. W. K. Clifford. (duckworth And Co.
6s.)—Although there is a good deal of pleasant writing in Mrs. Clifford's new book, yet as a whole it is disappOinting. The opening is very good, though perhaps the reason why......
The Lake Of Palms: A Story Of Indian Domestic Life.
Trans- hated into English by Romesh Dutt, C.I.E. (T. Fisher Unwin. 6s.)—A preface tells us that The Lake of Palms appeared in Calcutta in native language, under the title of "......
An Industrious Chevalier. By S. Squire Spriggs. (chatto...
6s.)—An Industrious Chevalier professes to be the self- told story of a man who, after wasting his time and getting rid of all his own means and some of other people's, took to......