The Foundations Of American Foreign Policy. By Albert...
(Macmillan and Co. 6s. net.)—The contents ef . this book are for the most part of but secondary interest to an 'English reader. This does not pre vent it from being a welcome......
Any One Who Desires A Sober Book Of Moral And
devotional thoughts expressed with admirable gravity and force should possess himself of Meditations and Vows, Divine and Moral, by Joseph Hall, edited by Charles Sayle (Grant......
A Hero Of Donegal : A Memoir Of Dr. William
Smyth. By Frederick Douglas How. (Isbister and Co. 28. ed. not.)—In 1882 Dr. William Smyth, then a young man of twenty-three, was appointed to the dispensary district of Dunglow......
Paying Poultry. (william A. May. Ls.)—in This Volume We Have
lectures given at the National Poultry Show under the auspices of the Utility Poultry Club, together with contributions to Farm, Field, and Fireside from the pen of Mr. W. Cook,......
• Shakespear. By W. Carew Thmlitt. (bernard Quaritch....
volume certainly makes a distinct and valuable addition to the materials available for the appreciation of Shakespeare's 'personality and for the effective criticism of his......
Mentioned In Despatches. (army And Navy Gazette. Ls....
we have a complete list, corrected up to the latest date from the Gazette, of officers in the British Army in South Africa, in- cluding Colonial, local, and naval contingents,......
The Story Of Westminster Abbey. By Violet Brooke - Hunt....
and Co. 6s.)—A book on Westminster Abbey from a pen so practised as Miss Brooke-Hunt's is sure to be welcome. It is not, indeed, quite clear what is its precise object. For the......
Financial Crises. By Theodore E. Burton. (effingham...
net.)—This book was written in America, and deals primarily with American affairs. But the author is conversant with English business, and he has studied English authorities,......
Mediaeval Wales. By A. G. Little, M.a. (t. Fisher Unwin.
2s. 6d.)—Professor Little has published here six lectures delivered last year _at Cardiff. They are described as "popular," but the author goes below the surface of things, and......
We Have To Mention Parts Iii.-v. (completing The Work) Of
Maori Art, by A. Hamilton (Fergusson and Mitchell, Dunedin, N.Z., 7s. 6d. each Part), copiously illustrated by pictures which include other provinces of life besides art ; also......
We Have Received The First Number Of A New University
maga- zine, The Oxford Point of View (Alden and Co., Oxford, ls. net). It is, we are told, "conducted by undergraduate members of the University." One of these gives the "......
Where Black Meets White. By Gertrude A. T. Frere. (univer-
sities Mission to Central Africa. ls. 6d.)—This is a "little history," —i.e., a history adapted to the needs of young readers of the work of the Universities Mission. Miss Frere......