Rhodesia And Pennsylvania.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—On reading iu the communicated article in your issue of March 29th the statement that Mr. Rhodes was "the first subject of the Crown to......
Mr. Rhodes And True Imperialism.
[To TUE EDITOR OP TIER "SPECTATOR.1 SIT., —At the close of the article on "The Two Imperialisms " in the Spectator of May 10th you make some reflections adverse to Mr. Rhodes. "......
Letters To The Editor.
RICHMOND PARK AS A MANCEUVRING GROUND. [To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOE."1 Sin,—The low sun filters through the branches overhead and makes a mosaic of gold and ebony on the......
The Dutch Succession.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR:] Sra,—I thank you for your sympathetic words in the Spectator of May 10th in connection with the happy recovery of our Queen, but I hope you......
The Education Bill.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SID.,—The lead which Mr. H. Lee-Warner desires to see given (Spectator, May 10th) has already been given by a large part of the members of......