17 MAY 1902, Page 14


Sra,—I beg that I may be permitted to supplement Mr. Reginald Lucas's most interesting communication in the Spectator of May 10th on Wellington's matchless soldiers in his Peninsular campaigns by the following quotation from " Wellesley, Arthur, Duke of Wellington," in Webb's " Com- pendium of Irish Biography," p. 556 (Gill and Son, Dublin, 1878) :-

"`It is mainly to the Irish Catholics that we all owe our proud pre-eminence in our military career, and that I am personally indebted for the laurels with which you have been pleased to decorate my brow, for the honours which you have so bounti- fully lavished upon me, and for the fair fame (I prize it above all other rewards) which my country, in its generous kindness, has bestowed upon me.'—(Extracted from the Great Duke's speech on the Emancipation Bill in the House of Lords.)"