18 JANUARY 1840, Page 9


iii minis.

On ibe 9.11 inst., at Itaran's Conti, (Amin). of Tyrone, Ireland, the Marchioness of AttEncons, of a daughter. On the 14th inst., in Dorset Svare, the Lady of the lion. WILLIAM Srol'aTON, of a sun. On the Pah inst., at Shirley, near Southampton, the Lady of B. W. GlIE1-:NFIELD,, of mm sou awl daughter. on the 9th inst., at Dirliam Rectory, near Bath, the Lady of the Rev. WILLTABS SCIAT 1{..11INSON. or a tali. Ou the 14th inst., in Guilford Street, thelrife of the Rev. Al.rarn Wto.t m 4. or a sou. Oil the 11111i:1st., in Upper Berkeley Street, the Lally of GrantcE WILLI>, Esq., of a son and heir.


mu the 9.11 81.1.eaminttlon, the Rev. AlAyuNoN Trusig, of Writgl,y, to SeentA, Ilam..laer a the lute Sr Th,:mtts Nvhiehotte, P.r..k, I a ae.ln...bire. On the 7111 imt.. at St. Paul', Cluirch, Cauterlun■ . the Itev. I'. IL Vicar (n. Si. 7,lory-s. South, iii., yotooest son of the He Rev. 3. B. itm•Sh,m.e..M.A., Itevtor mi Oval inn] Little Kent, to I lamtlErt Sovithf, :•-tatuge.1 .'..nOtter of the late NV...Nhtekeson, Es.] , of 11■111e, in the "amine coolly.

Ott the Bith inst., it LowaitO IlitrAVIN, or worce....ter, t., S:,11.tn, Relict ache late John Bradley junior. ..f that city.

On the 1-111in,I., at tio,e I 'Mach, t :01:1N1) It t/r1117T, .. gitneut youngest son or the bac itev. .lidia liitleout, Rector or wo.oleaowolc, In N111411 CARD- LINE 1,AVIIA, youngest daughter of Newton 11.ek, itstat, Esq., of Brunswiek Square,


Oa the 71It inst., at Pickerinv, Ile,. Airmen W. WAI.VIS, B.A., late Iteden

Sau6crit Seltolar iu the Univositymi tlfm.i,L mmmi utuV attavitud to the l'ruragatioll SU-

Cloy): Establishment, Ilirlsor's Caluatta, to Jemu. third daughter 01 Mr. oeurge Watson, of the Marislies, 'thou 'mm, Ymimkstmio',


On the 9th inst., at Kennune *House, thc '''am of the Earl of Glasgow, the Dowager NIareltiou,,s of I man rises, timhcr Ilath year.

(dim the 15111inst., at her residence at Streatham. the Dowager l'ountess mi Covtinitr, in her ;SIst year.

On the 15:11 inst., in Mount Street, Ornsvenor Square, Jon:.: 1dm iii ce, L.A., of Mount io the nuttily or Dublin, and r. nle s'r,Arn, Iii the renal,. a li.114;:ii ()II time 1.1111 the lion. and 10411t Rev. lir. ALEXANDER 'NI•1)0N- NELL, Itihipmmi Kings:1011,1'1.11er (%111,1(1.1, in Ilk Z.i1111 011 111,' 001 inst., at his seat, Christ Church l'ark, near Ipsw in his 760t )'car. the Re c. Alit.rs Wit.m.4M FONNEREAr, Pertoet nut Citrate ui I, :dm garer 5, 11.SWIC11,, and of l'utitlenlunn St. Martin. On the Ilth unit., ill MS 57111 year, the Rev. TitomAs IlLENeowE, Vicar of Marston St.l.awrettee, Northamptonshire. On the 9l inst., PETER LANGFORD BROOK, Esq., of Mere Hall, Cheshire. Whilst skating hi his own grounds, the ice gave way, he sunk into a deep pit, and was in the water three quarters of an hour before he could be got out, when all means of resusci- tation were tried in vain. On the Hitt just,, at Caincross, Gloucestershire, in her 93d year, ELIZABETH, relict of the late Enwmin MASON. Esq., of Enfield, Middlesex. On the 14th inst., at her house in Portman Street, MARY, the widow of General GWYN, in her Wilt year.