18 JANUARY 1840, page 8

The William Iluskisson, A Steamer Belonging To The City Of

Dule'n Company, of Liverpool, foundered on Sunday morning, when about mid-way between Dublin and Liverpool, in consequence of a leak, which it was impossible to stop up. The......

Tuesday's Gazette Contains The Followiug Announcement- "...

Jae. 10. " The Queen having been pleased to constitute a. Board of Commissioners for superintending the sale and settlement of the Waste Lands of the Crowmu in the British......


Previously to his departure from Dublin, Mr. O'Connell, who had de- livered almost daily speeches to his constituents, was entertained at a public dimmer at Morrison's Hotel.......

Arrangements Have Been Made By Which Members Of...

be etiabled to post letters written at the House of Commons without the difficulty which would occur in paying Id. with each letter. Covers will be sold to Members at the House,......


Lady Sarah Villiers, the daughter of Lady Jersey, has been selected by her Majesty as one of the Ladies in Waiting at the ceremony of her marriage. Mr. Bradshaw, of Canterbury......

()11 Wednesday Morning There Was A Conference At Sir Robert

Peel's, when the Duke of Wellington, the Earl of Aberdeen, Lord Ellen- borough Lord Statib..y, the Right Honourable Sir James Graham, Sir Henry flardinge, the Right I lononrable......

The Trial Of Zephaniah Williams At Monmouth Was Concluded On

Monday. The prisoner, when called upon by the Court, spoke a few words in his own defence, after long speeches from his counsel, Mr. Thomas and Mr. Richards. It was with......

" Information Having Been Received By The 3fagistrates...

Chartists 'WM to have a meeting somewhere in Sheffield late all Saturday night or early on Sunday morning, flay resolved to adopt measures to prevent any outbreak, and applied......

The Ballot Of Liberals At Devonport. Mentioned Last Week As

fixed for the 10th, terminated in Mr. Tuffnelfs favour. Mr. Leach, in con- formity with his agreement, immediately joined forces with Mr. Tuffnell, and in a brief address......