As Lord Abinger Was Crossing Parliament Street On...
was struck down by the pole of a carriage, which he had not perceived in time to escape from, and was in innninent danger of being crushed under the wheels of the carriage, it......
Mr. Jaudon Ltas Concluded Arrangements With Messrs. Hope...
of Amsterdam, for a loan of 430,000t. on account of the United States Bank. The price is 00, the interest 3 per cent., and the principal to be repaid in five years. The 'New......
Arrangements Have Been Made By Which Members Of...
be etiabled to post letters written at the House of Commons without the difficulty which would occur in paying Id. with each letter. Covers will be sold to Members at the House,......
.aialtriages, And Deaths.
iii minis. On ibe 9.11 inst., at Itaran's Conti, (Amin). of Tyrone, Ireland, the Marchioness of AttEncons, of a daughter. On the 14th inst., in Dorset Svare, the Lady of the......
Large Sales Of Opium Are Advertised By The British...
at Calcutta, to take place in the " agencies of Behar and Benares," front January to June inclusive. The quantity advertised is 18.932 chests; the upset price 400 rupees a......