The Address In The French Chamber Of Deputies Was Voted,
on Wednesday, by a majority of 212 to 43. This is the only piece of in- telligence worth mentioning in the Continental papers which arrived this morning.......
Sir John Yartm; Buller Is To Move "a Vote Of
want of confidence in the present Administration" on the 28th instant. If this is a volun- teer movement on the part of the Devonshire Baronet, it will come to little ; if......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRTDAS AFTERNOON. The arrear of American intelligence has been fully brought op by various arrivals from the United States, to the 29th December, from New York.......
SATURDAY. The House of Commons was occupied till one o'clock this morning, almost exclusively with the Privilege question. On Lord JOHN RUSSELL'S motion, John Joseph Stockdale......
.aialtriages, And Deaths.
iii minis. On ibe 9.11 inst., at Itaran's Conti, (Amin). of Tyrone, Ireland, the Marchioness of AttEncons, of a daughter. On the 14th inst., in Dorset Svare, the Lady of the......