Tuesday's Gazette contains the followiug announcement- " Dowsing Sire; t,
Jae. 10. " The Queen having been pleased to constitute a. Board of Commissioners for superintending the sale and settlement of the Waste Lands of the Crowmu in the British Colonie.;„ and the conveyance of emigrants thither, under the title of "File Colonial Land and Emigration Board,' her ALfjesty has also bun plea-ed to appoint Thomas Frederick Elliot and Hobert Torrens, Estirs, and the I lonourable Edward Ernest Villiers, to be the Commissioners for time purposes aforesaid. " The Ovieeit has also been pleased to appoint Robert Torrens and Thomas Frederick Elliot, Esqrs, and the Honourable Edward Ernest Villiers, to be
"file Colenixstion Commissioners of South A ust ill pursuance of the statute, passed in the fourth and fink year of the reign of his late Majesty N.ing William the Fourth, in tit tiled An Act to empower his Majesty to erect South Australia into a limit etc Province or Provinces, and to provide for tke Colonization and Government thereof."
Om I Ill is unnottneentent the 3Iuruing C1/4roniele remarks- " Tlimigh the Commissioners hold their powers for South Australia ander a separate Act of Parliament, yet the sante system will no doubt be acted on throughout all the Colotties. The public will hail these announcements as the beginning of a new ;era in Colonial administration, front which the must bene- ficial results may be expected."
We are authorized to state that Mr. Hutt was not the only member of the late South Australian Commission Who did not join in time ;Appli- cation ffir salary. Mr. Mackinnon, M.P., declared in Parliament that he gave his services gratuitously, and wrote to Lord Glenelg, two years ago, stating dim he Nmentid never, then or at am cy. future tittle, receive compensatimc as a ;-;eittlt Australian Commissioner. We understand that some of the Commissioners are a little sore at the expression " salary-hunting" in our note to Lord John Russell's letter. No ,s. we are the last to question the propriety of' remunerating public servants for work done, and ottr remark was levelled against the absurdity of paying so large a number as nine Commissioners for one colony.—eao- uiat Gazelle.