Colonel Anson inet Colonel Ourwootl on Wednesday evening, and, delivered,
on the part of' Mr. Ilorsman, the following letter. No.7. Allattiv, 15th 3anntary 1840.
Sir--I havc reques'o,1 f'oloael to deliver to you this letter, in ex- planation of the coarse ',Melt, with his eungurrence, I think it 111).. ii ity to pursue, upon the demand I113.10 tAl 1110 Ity arr. Bradshaw.
I beg to ihrect your attention to the speech lie is reported to have delivered at Can- terbury in October last and. on which 1 commented at the (limier 4iV011 ins.' by my con- stituents about six weeks into.
Mr. linelshaw's speech on that occasion was a public insult to his S-Nereign ; that Sovereign a lady, and the only lady in her ,1,..miniesis A Whoa those natural proteems who, in ;5 111,,Te humble rank, would her from le•ing insulted with im- ruility. Under these chltutitstances, I c;e1e,•1.. u• :1 ; t.• of every loyal 'subject to come forward in her del,eico, •Init l•.• ss read:. I lriSst1I1,r5haracter as to protect her person ; n the in,,,t jul 1 i m7 77 •' 77ieli lie euelmi
find, thought lit to assail her Nlivesty in the most unmeasured . hich he knew he could not be held ecotintabio he 1.., • ri • tha I on an- ., terms in Te- enier public oceasiom hit reference to id.: • pelting its dist. sal a.petsdons, Being totally nun (maimed with Mr. need his speech ; tool as long as that speech . .. to retract or his t'eelings, it is imp,sible for ins-, in :Ice...dr.:, regret a single syllal de I said. . M,. Bradshaw the 1 alsa feel that should have been . ,•. public for the in.
satisibetion he requires, until he had his 2., -
' of my Iiiends
jury he had inflicted. If I had clio-en •.. „, c..• 1. • , . •. But, in al,,pting whont I eonsulted, I had ample mallow.; :es ,•h I -1 tedbleto,,oeiety, what I feel tots. a far more qtmstionable
I wish it clearly to be understood, that in t \I, • l', 5-, lsictw I make no admission whitte'rer of 11,s right to elaial IL 'C I have the honour tu be, Sir, your very ubedie;.1 E. Miasmas:.
Arrangements were then made for a meeting at Wormwood Scrubs ; where, after an exchange of shots, Mr. Revs:a:of having fired in the Colonel Garwood went up to Mr. Hui...Anal), aml aclivered hint Nu. 8. 23, Low•ndes Siroct, 16th lalmary /140.
Sir—Colonel Anson last night gave me yoitr I" ii, wIradi 1 have the lionear to re11■111.., Bradshaw wrote to 111C l'roni the (.;•alllry, -A1:101Illter 1 rt.C...1, vml 011 the 4th if January, referriug me to a paragraph in th • J'es,( f the v....ceiling day, in which the expressions roe oiling him made la, of by you were 't'-- est. 1 there:bre transmitted to you a trail...rile of his letter. and tho -lilt instant.
You are acquainted with what has sitlee hr la:spired. and cllip.A5■•rod C. .011,1 Anson to make Moil arrangements. When al.:. l'a• ul,11-1w the sa- tisfaction to which I coneeia e that he is en'. it:, *. 1 len e 1.0 -umittI hut that he will ex-
press to you, 11113; lid hall before ,,tate.1 I., 5.5- s, a Li, ,1,..',!1 ui l'auteibary he hail Of 'presuming to allude ta iiOr ,i1; ■I i.esty's Ministers; and
that you will therefore withdraw the es.:a s. s e of. I have the honour to be, Sze.,
E. ilorsmati, Esq., Graw--..y.,. Colonel Gurwood, in consequence of 3fr. IIorsman's conduct, then added, that it appeared that the meeting had 1,,..11 rendereti necessary on account of the remarks made by Mr. Ilcrsinan at t'eekerniouth, on the dth December, ha reference to it speech delivered :by -Mr. 1;r!,.ishaw at 1.:anterbury in October
last. That lie was desired by Mr, to say, that Mr. liorsinan had put a different interpretations upon that spe,eit from uhat he meant to convey. That Mr. Bradshaw disclaims the slightest Iceling of disloyalty to her 31:fjesty, and regrets the expressions he then made 11,e ot; which he ha's since lit, upon reflection, were unjust towards her Majesty. Colonel Anson then said, that he had no hesitation, on the part of Mr. Borman, in withdrawiug the expressions which Mr. llorsman had used in
reference to Mr. Ilradshaw. GE ono r: ANSON.
alone I no- Yt