Papers, Friday 17th January.] 23, Lowndes Street, Belgrave Square, 4th January 1840.
Sir—T have been requested be Mr. Bradshaw to refer you to the Morning Post of Thursday, the 25 instant, in whiih it is stated, that at a meeting of your constituents at Cockermouth, you had S4 i,1 in reference to him, Mr. Bradshaw: that " he has the tongue of a traitor, but Inks the couraee to beeome a rebel ; and I on desired by Mr. Bradshaw to request that you will 'inform me whether yoa made use of suck expressions.
I have the honour to be, Sir, your obedient humble servant, J. Gratweon. E. Horsman, Esq., M.P., Cockermonth, No. 2, Oxenford Castle, Edinburgh, 9th January 1840. Sir—I have .tist had the honour of receiving your leiter, wit ill haVillg been addressed to Cockermouth, and sent thence after me into Lanar:isli ire, only reached me hem to-day.
The expressions in the Morning Post a the 2,1 instant, to which, It Mr. liradshaw's
request, you refer me, are generally correct as to the words I though they do not accurately convey the sense in which 1 usedthein; for they were omphiyed by me nut
in stating a tmust, or of my own in 4;1'401: an infereace from a speech attributed to Mr. Bradshaw at Canterbery. With this light and, peril-up, unimportant explanation, I am ready tu admit that the expressions to which you havEe.diiirocitest:1,am.y attention, were used by me on Diet/CC:LS:ill; alluded to.
I have the honour to be, Sze.
Lieutenant-Colonel Garwood. No. 3.
23, 1.6wodes 'street, 11 iii January 1840.
Sir—I bad tile honour to receive this evening your letter d•tted Edinburgh. the 9th instant, in winch you ttekinAVhOlgO has ;lig Made !NV of certoin expr..ssions at a public meeting at Cockermouth, in allusion to Mr. Bradshaw, a, slated in the Monthly Putt or the 2(1 instant.
On inquiring yesterday at your apartments in the Albany, I was informed that you were ,.xpected to arrive there front Sco.land in the course of to-morrow, Sunday. I tht.refore wait your arrival, that you will thou have the mmli httr Co 11:11111, all hour, either :rt par ,;partments, the United Service Club, Pall Mall, or any other place where it may I m cmveniclit tbr any friend yousnay appoint to meet me to make further arram.tements.
1 lave the 11..1mm to he, Sir, &c. 5, GURIVOOD. lb Horsman, Esq., M.P.
No.4. Albany, 12th January 1340. Sir—I have been honoured with your note oa my arrival here to.day. As the friend to whom I wish to refer it, and whom it is it..cessary that I should soe, is at some distant e trims town. I regret extremely to lie compelled to defer complying
with its contents, till my r•eerti Irma him on lea you ma:: depend upon a fur- ther communication, u hich I shall have the honour of ,oldressing you on that day.
I hare the lionuar I., be, Sir, icc, 11 tionsmAN. To coiona Gur000d.
No. 5.
Albany, 14th January 1841. use o'clock. Sir—I liavt. uest :aettriied from Theolly,diire, wIl7ore my friend; Colonel Anson, was
staving when I land last the Inen.iir ; 1 WAY beg to refer you to :Ma 1102 Ints requested me to say. that it you ((El have II u', to call on him at the thalimnee to-morrow, Ito -.rill I ,s'\- to you at roar o'clock.
E. lIoussisst. 1 have the Namur to be, Sir, Sze. No, 6. S!1.4.1!t, 3401 January, six, p.m. Sir—I have had the 'honour to receivo your inae of this day, aml I shall aceorilinely wait on Colonel Anson at the Ordnance Otliee at fuer o'clock to-morrow,