SHERI DAN K NOW I,Es's delightful comedy The Love-Chase was
played at the Haymarket on Thursday, for the benekof Mrs. CLOVER; who on this occasion brought forward a pupil of hers, Miss HOWARD, in Mrs. Nisnrr's favourite part of Neighbour Consht ace. The fair debutante, though in a tremulous state of excitement at first meeting the gaze of the public, recovered her self-possession in a scene or two, and went through her arduous task with grace and spirit : indeed, her success was complete. Miss Howse') is youthful and lovely, with a person and manner naturally elegant, a sweet and mellow voice, and an expressive countenance ; and she showed, in spite of her nervousness, an arch and sprightly vivacity that bids fair to ripen into genial comic humour. The evidences of tuition were occasionally too apparent ; as must al- ways be the case on a first appearance, where the powers are not thoroughly matured : but, without at all undervaluing the influence of her able instructress, we may observe that the most promising qualifi- cations of the young actress were those which Nature had the greatest share in developing. Miss Howsno was enthusiastically greeted at the end of the play. So charming a debutante, with such cordial gayety and native grace and animation, we have not seen for a long while. Miss COOPER resumed the part of Lydia, in which she originally made her debut: her earnestness was touching, in spite of her de- clamatory manner of speaking. Mrs. GLOVER as the Widow Green threw a hearty, joyous spirit of comedy into the languishing airs of de buxom coquette ; and STRICKLAND, though farcical as is his wont, made the amorous raptures of the foolish old knight very amusing. POWER, on His Last Legs once more, convulsed the Louse with laughter.