Ebr g.L'ourt.
THE Queen held a Court at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday ; when Ibveral foreign Arnhassadoas were introduced, including Baron Brunow, on a special mission from the Emperor of Russia.
A Privy Council was held at the Palace on Wednesday ; when the -Royal Speech for the meeting of Parliament was settled. On Thursday, the Queen went in state to open the session. The day was fine and the concourse of spectators large, and in good hu- mour. An attempt to get up a hiss near Palace Yard failed. The Queen looked uncommonly well. It was remarked that she seemed
grave and thoughtful in if to the House of Lords, but that in re- turning she appeared as f exeessissly amused by something which had occurred: she laughed continually, and the Dutchess of Sutherland joined in the mesrinient.
Intelligence of the death of the Landgravine of Hesse Romberg— formerly Princess Elizabeth of England—was received on Wednesday : and the Court will go into mourning on Sunday next ; the mourning to be changed on the 2d of February, and to be left off on the 9th of February. The Landgraviiie was hi her seventieth year.