We have the best authority for stating that a letter
has been received from his Royal Highness the Duke of' Sussex, by the Earl of Durham, and communicated to a most respectable gentlenlan of Suoderland, ex- pressing his strong dissatisfaction that such coarse, intensive, and dis- gusting libels should have been placed by his hands, but cetirely against his private feelings and knowledge, in reference to his f;:ther George HI, and his brother George IV., under the foandation-stene of the Sun- derland Athena:tun. His Royal Highness desires to know by what means lie has been made the dupe of party malice on SOCII all important occasion ; and the Duke demands to know by what member of the Committee these coarse and filthy slanders were committed to his hands. The Duke considers that he has been grossly and shamefully deceived, and he trusts that the Committee will adopt immediate means of justi- fying themselves from this disgraceffil insult. —.Northern Tenes. [The " libels" were in the Sunderland Ilerahl, one of the papers deposited by the Duke of Sussex under the foundation-stone of the .Athenanun, when he visited Stmderland with the Earl of Durham.]
The Marquis of Northampton has been presented with a magnificent piece of plate, value 400 guineas, by his Northampton and %1 ansack- shire tenantry.