The Republican Convention of the United States meets on the
20th of May at Chicago to decide on its candidate for the Pre- The Republican Convention of the United States meets on the 20th of May at Chicago to decide on its candidate for the Pre-
sidency, and the Republican journals, with the Tribune at their head, are promising in advance to adhere to its decision. The great difficulty is the reluctance of the extreme Radicals, who eontrol perhaps a third of the party in the North and 800,000 Negro votes in the South, to vote for General Grant without a declaration of principles. They want Mr. Chase. If this diffi- culty can be overcome the chances are a hundred to one in favour of General Grant, but if the one chance turn up, we venture to predict the nominee will be a " dark horse." No candidate not utterly unknown, and supported, therefore, for party reasons only, could possibly beat the General, who, if thrown over by the Chicago Convention, will be instantly nominated by the Democrats. If the Republicans accept him the Democrats will probably name Mr. Pendleton, merely as a test of their own strength. We trust the gentlemen at Chicago will be a little careful for once in their selection of a Vice-President. The election is not till November, the entrance into office not till March, 1869.