National Honours And Their Noblest Claimants. By Robert...
(J. E. Taylor and Co.)—Dr. Bigsby writes in the interest of the literary class, and demands that men of letters shall be no longer ex- cluded from rewards and honours. The......
Smollett : His Life, And A Selection From His Writings.
By Robert Chambers, LL.D. (W. and R. Chambers.)—This is rather a study than a life, but it is a pleasing study. The thread of biographical story is broken by the insertion of......
Some Account Of The Life And Works Of Hans Holbein,
Painter, of Augsburg. By Ralph Nicholson Wornum. (Chapman and Hall.)— We are doing an injustice to this elaborate work in passing it over with a short notice. Bat Mr. Wornum has......
On Primary Instruction In Relation To Education. By Simon S.
Laurie. (Blackwood.)—This volume is part of a report made by Mr. Laurie to the Trustees of the Dick Bequest, and has been printed before, but not published. So much has been......
My French Companion To Paris And Its Environs. By P.
E. Tapernoux. (Longman.)—The idea of this book is novel, but it might well be adopted by teachers. M. Tapernoux gives his reader a short sketch of what is to be done and seen on......
Mr. Sprouts : His Opinions. By Richard Whiteing....
of bad spelling is no longer very new, and unless it is done well it is very stupid. This is one objection to the book before us, some of the contents of which are rather good.......
Spring Time, Or Words In Season. A Book Of Friendly
Counsel for Girls. By Sydney Cox. (Saunders and Otley.)—Friendly enough in its tone, and likely to do good to many of the less thoughtful members of the gentle sex, this book is......