Some Account Of The Life And Works Of Hans Holbein,
Painter, of Augsburg. By Ralph Nicholson Wornum. (Chapman and Hall.)— We are doing an injustice to this elaborate work in passing it over with a short notice. Bat Mr. Wornum has......
The Theological Review. No. 20. January, 1868. (williams...
number of the Theological Review has a very striking and, in one sense, profound article by one of the most eminent Uni- tarian ministers of the day, Rev. John H. Thom, on "The......
Current Literature.
Memories of Some Contemporary Poets, with Selections from their Writ- ings. By Emily Taylor. (Longman.) 1868.—This little selection from contemporary poets, either for the most......
Mr. Marshman's History Of India.*
THIS, the third volume of Mr. Marshman's History of India, con- cludes the work, and we are therefore in a position to form a complete judgment on its general value. Its merits......