News Of The Week.
I T is stated, apparently on authority, that Sir Stafford Northcote has offered the Indian Exchequer to Mr. Childers, Member for Pontefract. As Mr. Childers is a Radical, the......
The French Army Bill Has Passed By A Final Vote
of 199 to 60, a curiously large vote in opposition. All accounts from France concur in the opinion that the Bill is unpopular, that the peasantry hate it, and that the Emperor......
The Bishop Of Capetown Writes To The Guardian To Announce
that a second and competing Bishop has been selected to contest with Dr. Colenso the charge of " the Church in Natal." That section of the Church which professed a wish for a......
As To The Mode Of Raising The Educational Rates, The
opinion of Conference seemed to be decidedly in favour of subscriptions where possible, then of rates, to be raised, Mr. Forster advises, by an Educational Board, composed,......
On The Question Of Secular Or Denominational Schools, The...
ing of the Conference was strongly favourable to the permission, at least, of purely secular schools. And with regard to denomi- national schools, the prevalent feeling was......
Prince Alfred Is Making A Kind Of Royal Progress Through - -
Australia. Everywhere he has been received with demonstrations of unbounded loyalty, with addresses, and fetes paid for out of colonial funds. It is expected that the reception......
The Educational Conference Which Met On Wednesday At...
was presided over by the Right Hon. Austin Bruc3, M.P., and Mr. W. E. Forster, M.P., declared itself decidedly, though with moderation, in favour of compulsion. On the question......