The effect of the Emperor's telegram to President Kruger on
the politics of the world can hardly be satisfactory to his Majesty. The Boers have not jumped into his arms, and Mr. Hofmeyr, the recognised leader of the Dutch party at the Cape, has described it publicly as " bluster." He has added that if Germany went to war with Great Britain, she would at once lose the Cameroons, which would be an advantage to South Africa. The Russian Government is stndiouely reserved; while the Austrian and Roman Govern- ments are bitterly annoyed that a step so important to the Triple Alliance should have been taken without consulting them. The French, on their side, do not exactly see how the acquisition of the Transvaal by Germany will be a compensa- tion to themselves for the loss of Alsace-Lorraine ; while the Americans express no sympathy, except, indeed, with the resc- lute attitude of the British. The Liberal party in Germany think the Emperor has committed a great error; while even the Conservatives say it is not wise to alienate England for an object only to be obtained by war. The Emperor, in fact, has not gained either a chance of the Transvaal, or that popularity which he thinks essential to the modern Caesar, the universal opinion being that he took a leap in the dark, and missed his spring.