18 JANUARY 1896, page 3

The Times Of Monday Gives A Most Curious Account Of

a substitute for meat made by the Japanese out of vegetable products. This, called "tofu," consists principally of the protein matter of the soya bean, and is said to be as......

The Naval Preparations Have Been Continued During The...

intermission. The ships of the new Flying Squadron hoisted their pennons on Tuesday; but this did not stop the activity at the dockyards, where the men are still working......

There Is No End To The French Scandals In The

matter of corruption. It is believed that if Arton is in the end brought to trial, scores of Deputies and Senators will be shown to have received gratifications out of the funds......

The Government Has Made A Rather Unusual Selection For The

Legislative Membership of the Indian Viceroy's Council. The new Member, Mr. M. D. Chalmers, is the County Court Judge of Birmingham, and has had comparatively little opportunity......

At The Same Dinner Sir Henry Fowler Declared That The

cloud which darkened the commercial horizon was " the relationship between capital and labour." " There was an absolute identity of interest between capital and labour. They......

In Last Saturday's Times Appeared A Vigorous Poem Of The

rougher order, from the new Poet Laureate, on Dr. Jameson's raid, which will hardly tend to glorify that conception of British rule which his great predecessor made so......

At The Annual Dinner Of The Wolverhampton Chamber Of...

Mr. George Curzon delivered a speech on British Trade and Foreign Competition. Part of the business of the Foreign Office was to help all British traders who showed a......

It Is Reported That The American Government Intends To...

the Danish West India Islands, including St. Thomas, which will be made a great naval station. The Danes, who once held positions in two or three parts of the world, have found......

Bank Rate, 2 Per Cent.

New Consols (21) were on Friday, 1072.......