18 JANUARY 1896, page 15


ARBITRATION. HE cum and punched me on the nose, and he punched me in the eye, And either luvly horgan luk'd swollen and awry ; And Marianne, she looked at me with a disdainful......

The Red Cliffs Of Devon. I To Thy Editor Of

THZ "SPECTATOR. " ] SIB., — In the interesting paper on " The Red Cliffs of Devon," in the Spectator of January 11th, the writer alludes to the precious finds " sometimes picked......

[to Tim Editor Or Tm "sew:nos:1 Sir,—a Few Weeks Ago

an incident occurred to me in con- nection with a Scotch collie that is remarkable in its singu- larity, and that, in my opinion, demonstrated that the animal possessed a......


[TO TRZ EDITOR OF THY " SPECTATOR. - ] SIR, We have in the house a Russian poodle who bears the name of Teufel,' and never did dog better deserve his patronymic, assuming that......

A Cat-story.

[To Tam EDITOR or TEL EPISOTATOR."] SIR,—Reading as I do with much interest the dog and cat stories in the Spectator, I think the following instances of intel- ligence and......