18 JANUARY 1896, page 1

The Daily Chronicle Affirms That Coomassie Has Been...

the " King " has submitted. The terms dic- tated by our Government were accepted without discussion, and Ashantee becomes henceforward a British province. We do not understand......

It Is Said That One Result Of The German Emperor's

telegram has been an approach by Lord Salisbury to both Russia and France ; and the Westminster Gazette of Saturday published an account of this "rapprochement" with details.......

The Effect Of The Emperor's Telegram To President Kruger On

the politics of the world can hardly be satisfactory to his Majesty. The Boers have not jumped into his arms, and Mr. Hofmeyr, the recognised leader of the Dutch party at the......

News Of The Week.

T HE prospect is becoming a little brighter. The German Emperor, it would seem, really thought that if he distinctly menaced Great Britain her Government would recede, and would......

Mr. Balfour Has Been Addressing Great Audiences This Week...

in Glasgow and Manchester, in Glasgow twice on Tuesday, when he was presented with the freedom of the city, and in Manchester on Wednesday, when he met his con- stituents in the......

Notice.— With This Week's Number Of The " Spectator "

iS issued, gratis, an Eight-Page Supplement, containing the Half-Yearly Index and Title-Page,—i.e., fro»1 July Gth to December 28th, 1895, inclusive.......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In...


Notice To Advertisers.

With the " SPICTA.TOlt" of Saturday, January 25th, will be issued, gratis, a SPECIAL LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, the outside pages of which will be devoted to Advertisements. To secure......