18 JANUARY 1896, Page 24

We may briefly notice the annual volumes of various maga-

zines, the purpose of which is indicated by their titles :-The Church Worker (Church of England Sunday-School Institute), "a Magazine for Sunday-School Teachers and Church-Workers Generally." A series of " Outline Lessons on the Acts of the Apostles " runs through the volume, and will doubtless be found useful. There is a curious error in Lesson xxix , " Preached in the synagogue [at Salamis] of which John Mark was the ` minister ' or servant," though elsewhere the fact is correctly stated. We have also " Brief Notes on Church History," items of news, &c.—From the same publishers we have :-The Boys' and Girls' Companion, an illustrated magazine for boys and girls; Light in the Home and Tract Magazine, Vol. IV. (R.T.S.) ; and from the same publishers, Friend'y Greetings, " Illustrated Read- ings for the People " ; and The Cottager and Artisan. These are designed for the use of older readers ; and for children, The Child's Companion and Juvenile Instructor, and Our Little Dot. The illustrations in these magazines deserve a word of special praise.