18 JUNE 1910, Page 14


[To THE EDITOR OR THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—A few years ago one of the most scandalous advertise- ments I have ever seen appeared on the back page of the Christian World. Though it was headed "An Appeal to Christians," it was simply a trade advertisement inserted by the business department of the Daily News. Let me quote the notice in full. The "Appeal to Christians" read as follows: ." 'For years we have prayed for a paper that would put God above Gold; print truth not travesty; give us politics, not partisanship. I am content to regard the action of the "Daily News' as an answer to our prayer. ` In it we have a leader that rarely errs; a champion that cornea to us in the Name of the Lord of Hosts. But newspapers, like churches and other good things, must be supported, and the "Daily News" deserves yours, and ought to have it if you are on the side of right'—Extract from a recent sermon by Rev. Grorsz SiVARY, Barbican Congregational Church, New North-road, London, N.

Will you in future Bead THE DAILY NEWS ?

12 PAGES. HALFPENNY. SOLD EVERYWHERE. It is the Biggest Halfpenny Morning Paper Published in Great Britain. Buy a copy to-day and compare it with any of the London morning papers. Post free, one week, &I. ; one quarter, Si. ea.


According to this outrageous advertisement, we are asked to regard the Daily News as inspired by Almighty God. The organ has appeared " as an answer to prayer," and is " a champion that comes to us in the name of the Lord of Hosts." And yet the Daily News is a. shareholder in the

Star !—I am, Sir, &c., A. W. DOUGLAS. Hatherop Rectory, Fairford, Glos.