- - - We Record With Very Peat Regret The
news that the Kaiser, .who has only just recovered from a tiresome boil on his wrist, is now suffering from an affection of the right knee which compels him to abandon all......
We Note With Satisfaction The Dinner Given Yesterday Week At
St. Petersburg by the Russo-British Chamber of Commerce to Professor Bernard Pares, one of the most judicious and indefatigable promoters of the Anglo-Russian Entente. M.......
The Attitude Of The German And Austrian Press Towards...
policy in the Levant continues to be hostile, and denials circulated by Reuter that dynastic considerations have caused a change in England's policy towards the Cretan question......
We Have Received From Mr. Seton-watson A Very Striking...
describing his experiences at an election in Hungary in a constituency of which the majority of the population are Slovaks, and condemning the monstrous acts of electoral......
The Times Special Correspondent Has A Long And...
on " Baghdad Trade and Politics " in last Satureay's issue. In spite of interrupted communications and many drawbacks, Baghdad laid last awakening from its lethargy. The local......
News Of The Week.
I T was announced on Friday that Mr. Asquith and Mr. Balfour had come to an agreement in regard to a Conference, and that'it will begin its deliberations at once,— probably next......