On Saturday Last It Was Announced That Sir Charles Hardinge,
now the Permanent Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, is to succeed Lord Minto as Governor-General of India. The opinions expressed in regard to the appointment are various. No......
An Interesting Letter From Mr. D. B. Macdonald On Lord
Cromer and the Egyptian peasantry appeared in the American Nation of May 26th. It included a quotation from a recently published strongly Nationalist sketch of Egyptian history.......
On Tuesday The Chancellor Of The Exchequer Read The King's
Message with regard to the need of renewed ptovision for the Civil List, and the proposed list of members of the Committee on the Civil List was handed in that evening. It......
Sir Edward Grey's Determmation To Support Sir Eldon...
not sacrifice the instrument when, as he said, the responsibility for what has happened and is happening in Egypt belongs solely to the Government, was exactly what was to be......
The Spanish Cortes Was Opened By King Alfonso On Wednesday.
The Speech from the Throne began by allusions to the satisfactory state of Spain's foreign relations. It then proceeded to a review of the various domestic reforms that are......
The Correspondent Adds An Interesting Summary Of The...
of the Revolution in Baghdad. The gendarmes are better equipped, are paid regularly, and are actually known to have refused baksheesh from British travellers. Feeble efforts are......
The Times Special Correspondent Has A Long And...
on " Baghdad Trade and Politics " in last Satureay's issue. In spite of interrupted communications and many drawbacks, Baghdad laid last awakening from its lethargy. The local......
On Monday In The House Of Ccimmons Mr. Asquith Announced
that certain communications had pasged between him and Mr. Balfour which he hoped might lead at an early date to a meeting between them. Mr. Asquith also remarked that " the......
During The Week Sir Edward Grey Has Been Twice Attacked
in the House of Commons in regard to his Egyptian policy—, on Monday and on Tuesday—and a determined attempt has been made on the part of the more bitter and irresponsible......