Tto The Editor Op The "spectator. "] Sir,—there Is An Old
Spanish proverb which says that " no one pelts a tree unless it has fruit upon it," and this saying is called to mind by the Spectator's attack on the Cadburys and the......
The "star's " Betting Tips.
[To rim EDITOR Or TEE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR, —T do not think that J. W. Graham (Spectator, June 11th) quite realises that it is really the principles of our Society which are at......
Educational Peace.
LTo Ms EDITOR 0/ TYR " SPECTATOR:1 SIR,, —As one who warmly supported Mr. Runciman's Educe. tion Bill of 1908 (subject to satisfactory filling in of details), I entirely agree......
[to The Editor Op Ter "spectator. "] Sir, —will You...
is an admirer. of the splendid social work done by the Cadburys and Rowntrees, and who is a Radical Democrat, to say how thoroughly he agrees with the letter of "An......
(to Tee Editor Op The " Spectator.1
SIR,—I agree with you that no good purpose will be served by prolonging this discussion further. And now, Mi. Editor, since you haieliiilt so much black ink, might one ask : Why......
Lto The Editor Of Tee " Spictator."1
SIR,—Your generous, even excessive, estimate of the character of the Cadbury and Rowntree families relieves the violence of the moral situation somewhat. But in what kind of a......
To Ter Editor Or Tee "spectator. "] Sir, —you Have...
any idea which might have been drawn from your headlines that the Society of Friends are responsible for the conduct of that portion of the Press which is under the influence of......