[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—" Seeing is believing." As I went out of the front-door a man with a pile of papers dropped a copy of a Star news- paper inside the gate. I watched him do it at other houses, and I heard it commented upon in two houses where I went
[We were informed from a source which we are not allowed to disclose that it was impossible that the Star could have been distributed in York in the way described last week by our correspondent " Yorkist." We drew the attention of "Yorkist" to this information, and received the above letter in reply. It is possible, of course, that the distribution may have been made by the political opponents of Mr. Rowntree, the Member for York. If this should turn out to be the fact, it is only another example of the unfortunate position in which the members of the Rowntree family have placed them- selves. Though such an act may be regarded as a somewhat extreme example of party warfare, it cannot be described as unfair to show the electors of York that the members of the Rowntree family can speak with two voices on moral questions.—ED. Spectator.]