[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Pray allow me to assure your correspondent in last week's Spectator, and your readers, that Lionel Johnson's poetry is by no means so forgotten or• neglected as he imagines, and on this point he could easily have informed himself by an inquiry of a good bookseller. The poem in question did first appear in "The Book of the Rhymers' Club," published by me in 1892 (not 1893). A curious blunder has crept into the fragment quoted ; in fourth stanza, fourth line, for " lions " read "brows." The poem next appeared in the volume " Poems " published by me in 1895 (still in print), and two years ago I included it in a popular shilling selection from Johnson's two published volumes (" Vigo Cabinet Series," Vol. XXXIV.'I which has had a fairly wide sale. I hope to publish a complete collection of Lionel Johnson's poems shortly, to be followed by volumes containing his letters and critical papers.—I am, Sir, Sw.,