A Tactical Air Force
An outstanding feature of the fighting in Libya and more recently in Tunisia has been the perfect co-operation between the Air Force and the Army—and it should be added that the Navy, too, has fitted admirably into the tactical pattern. Since the manoeuvres of last March the public has been aware that efforts have been made to ensure the same co-operation among forces training in this country ; and it has now been announced that the Army Co-opera- tion Command, formed in December, 1940, has been merged in a new organisation known as -the Tactical Air Force. Since the advantages enjoyed by the Germans from the superior liaison between their air and ground forces were demonstrated in the Battle of Flanders the Prime Minister has personally insisted on measwes to improve the harmonious working of the different arms ; and the North African campaign has shown what can be done when air and ground forces are used in close combination. The Tactical Air Force based on this country has been created to work with the Army in the field. While the Strategical Air Force will continue to perform its functions of long-range bombing behind the enemy's lines, the Tactical Air Force will protect an attacking army from above and keep in touch with it at all stages of operations To understand the necessity of organically combined movements in offensive war is one thing ; to apply them with precision is another. But now the Services have behind them the experience and brilliant successes achieved in Africa for their guidance. On those bases the Tactical Air Force will be built up.