17 JUNE 1943, page 14

Plans And Costs

Sta,—Sir Henry Lawrence does well to point out the enormous poten- tialities of our modem productive system—the "real credit" of the nation—and is quite right in placing his......

Armistice Sir, —the Further Letter Under The Heading "...

in your issue of June a Ith confirms my original fears that the distinction between "unconditional surrender" and its antonym " armistice " is not being adequately stressed. The......

Sir,—one Of The Reasons For The Decline In The Birth-rate

among the so- called "well-to-do" classes is psycholog;cal as well as physical. At present the well-to-do woman, though she may be freed from financial worries, lends the life......

Country Life

WHAT is the earliest date at which harvest has opened in England? The earliest within the circle of my information is June 30th. A fine farmer who exercised his craft where now......

Government Bookbinding

Sta,—A protest ought to be made against the binding of the Government pamphlet, Combined Operations. I could not read it at all without con- tortions and discomfort, until I cut......

An International Tribunal

Sta,—Mr. Sumner Welles desires the post-war provision of an armed force contributed by the nations willing, and also the establishment of an international tribunal. But he omits......