17 JUNE 1943, page 2

Goering's Grip On Europe

If ever the German "New Order" came into being it would be on the basis of loot organised on a scale never dreamed of before. Nazi Germany has been seizing the ownership and......

The Dutch Churches' Courage

The stand which is being made by the Protestant and Roman Catholic Churches in Holland against the latest barbarities of the Nazis commands the admiration of the world. First......

A Tactical Air Force

An outstanding feature of the fighting in Libya and more recently in Tunisia has been the perfect co-operation between the Air Force and the Army—and it should be added that the......

Congress And Strikes

President Roosevelt is faced with a difficult decision. Both the Senate and the House of Representatives have passed the Anti- Strike and Labour Control Bill, a measure designed......

Food Shortage After The War

Lord Woolton, speaking at Cardiff last Tuesday, warned his audience that for a number of years to come there will be a world shortage of food. He was speaking not primarily of......

America And The World

There has been no more striking indication of the movement of opinion in America than the fact that last Tuesday the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives......