17 JUNE 1943, page 22

Finance And Investment

By GUSTOS WHEN it is plain even to the man in the street that in the military sense we are now experiencing the lull before the storm it would be foolish to look for much......

A Poet's Notebook. By Edith Sitwell. (macmillan. Ids. 6d.)

INTO her notebook Miss Sitwell has collected aphorisms on various aspects of poetry and the poets from a selection of authorities, all themselves artists, and she doe;......

Grim And Gay, An Anthology Selected By A. C. Ward

.Oxford Um- , versity Press. 6s.) THIS is a pleasant little anthology which without much evident purpose serves all the same to call to remembrance some forgotten excellences......

Shorte) Notices Storm Over The Land. By Carl Sandburg....

I25. 6d.) THERE are not many more moving stories in history than the record of the American Civil War. It has been told again and again—in straightforward historists, in lives......

No Life For A Lady. By Agnes Morley Cleaveland. (joseph.

15s.) THIS book has been a great success in America, and is a refreshing account of the Wild West before it was discovered by Hollywood. More than fifty years ago, when Mrs.......