18 MARCH 1871, Page 1

Mr. Sumner has been dismissed from the Chairmanship of the

Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs. This officer of the Senate settles foreign affairs with the Secretary of State, and then sup- ports his proposal in the Senate, which, in this department, has a joint authority with the President. Mr. Sumner, however, hates General Grant and England so very hard that he opposes every- thing suggested by the former or conciliatory to the latter, and has becomes an obstacle to public business. At a caucus of Re- publican Senators, it was agreed by a majority of four to remove him, and the vote was subsequently carried in the Senate itself by 33 votes to 9, Mr. Sumner's friends staying away. Mr. Simon Cameron succeeds him. Mr. Sumner will be more bitter than ever now, and will probably make his long-threatened onslaught upon the President.