England Rendered Impregnable. By H. A. L., "the Old...
(Rivington.)—" The Old Shekarry " has drawn out a scheme which, we have no doubt, would, could it be carried out, fulfil the promise of his title, and render England......
Going To Markets And Grammar-schools. By George Griffith....
is a strange kind of autobiography mixed up with personal reminiscences, scraps of description, copies of verses, and reprints of pamphlets, with which Mr. Griffith has waged......
Drawn From Life. By Archibald Forbes. 3 Vols. (hurst And
Blackett.) —Mr. Forbes describes himself as "Special Military Correspondent of the Daily News." This is no inconsiderable recommendation for an author who claims to "draw from......
Current Literature.
The Pentateuch and its AnatormsYs. By the Rev. T. R. Birks_ (Hatehards.)—Whether or no Mr. Birks can make out his case for the Mosaic authorship of the Pentateuch, he certainly......