18 MARCH 1871, page 1

Mr. Sumner Has Been Dismissed From The Chairmanship Of The

Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs. This officer of the Senate settles foreign affairs with the Secretary of State, and then sup- ports his proposal in the Senate, which, in......

M. Thiers Is Evidently Disinclined To Trust His Assembly. He

%as already found it necessary to say he will never do anything -contrary to its sovereignty, and he is, we suspect, dallying with the Montmartre insurgents, from a fear that if......

The Weary Army Debate, Which Seems To Grow Wearier The

more passionately honourable members insist on the privilege of liberating their souls on the enbject, was resumed on Monday night by Sir John Pakington, who, as Mr. Trevelyan......

News Of The Week.

T HE marked symptom in French politics just now is languor. The Reds are languidly revolutionary in Paris, the Govern- «meta is languidly trying to repress them, the Assembly is......

Lord Granville Announced On Monday That The Conference...

its labours, and had settled, first, that no power can liberate itself from its engagements except with the consent of all other parties interested ; secondly, that the clauses......

Mr. Winterbotham (m.p. For Stroud) Has Accepted The...

for the Home Department, in the place of Mr. Shaw Lefevre, who goes to the Secretaryship of the Admiralty, to help Mr. Goschen, while Mr. Baxter supplies Mr. Stansfeld's place......

No Hint Has Yet Been Given Of The Financial Measures

to be Adopted to pay off the indemnity. M. Pouyer-Quertier is preparing his loan bill, and we saved from several indications that he will propose an open loan of unlimited......

111 * The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In

any case.......