Mr. Monsell, The Postmaster-general, Has Made A Real...
to the public. From the end of the financial year " parcels " -of any weight under twelve ounces may be sent by post at id. -for the first ounce, id. for the second ounce, and......
The University Testa' Bill Passed Its Second Reading In The
Lords on Thursday, Lord Salisbury reserving his amendments for the Committee, which will be taken after Easter, and stating that he no longer wished to prevent Dissenters from......
Two Peerages Are Announced. Sir William Mansfield Is To Be
raised to the Upper House,—a distinction which he has amply deserved. He will be a great help to the Government in the debates on Army Reorganization. Sir Henry Bulwer, G.C.B.,......
The Bill For Revising The Lectionary Produced A Smart Debate
in the House of Lords on Monday and Tuesday. The Lord Chan- cellor, in moving the second reading, after describing the nature of the changes proposed, stated that the number of......
The Roman Catholics Are, Perhaps Not Unnaturally, Angry...
Monsell's being again passed over to put Mr. Stansfeld into the Cabinet. The Tablet of yesterday, in a rather bitter article, says that Mr. Monsell was at the head of a great......
Sir R. Temple Introduced His Budget On The 8th March,
and M. Ileuter's agents telegraphed it home. It appears that the figures - for the year ending 31st March, 1870, were :—Ordinary expendi- ture, £50,782,413; extraordinary......
Thursday Night Ended In A Very Ferocious And Successful...
by the private members (chiefly Tories) to prevent what they 'thought the " premature " conclusion of the debate, Mr. Bentinck styling Mr. Gladstone's attempt to suppress......
It Is Remarkable That Nobody Quoted In This Debate The
beat pre- cedent on Mr. Lambert's side. When in 1859 the East India - Company was abolished, Sir Charles Wood proposed to give him- self £2,500 a year, but the House insisted on......
The Reform To Be Introduced Into The Tariff For Post-office
orders is not so satisfactory. The new charges are to be,—for an order .under 10s., Id.; under 20s., 2d. ; under 40s., 3d. ; under 60s., 4d. ; and so on, but they are still......