All this is old history, but it is necessary to
mention it again, as all Mr. MacDonald's speeches have strangely perverted the facts for the purpose of pretending that this unpopular General Election - has been forced by the Unionists and Liberals. Frankly, Mr. MacDonald has at the end been a great disappointment to those of us who never had the slightest intention of doing anything but "treating Labour fairly." We all acknowledge the dignity and distinction with which he has spoken on many occasions, and we all acknowledge that in foreign policy he has interpreted the wishes of the country with more address, and perhaps with more insight, than any Foreign Secretary of recent times. But there is another side to him, and a very bad one. At times he descends to an abusive exaggeration which it is difficult to reconcile with sincerity and which comes oddly indeed from a mind that is so intensely rational in many ways.