Fi Ct Io N :
THE ELEMENTS LET LOOSE. Sard Harker. By John Masefield. (Heinemann. 7s. 6d. net.) Axe reader of Sir Walter Scott who can't be frightened by the glory of a name and doesn't......
The Rubaiyat Of Umar Khaiyam. The French Translation Of J.
B. Nicolas, the English translation of Frederic Baron Corvo. (Bodley Head. 21s. net.) As there is still no complete and accurate translation of Omar Khayyam's stanzas, these two......
Other Novels.—the Triumph Of Galli°. By W. L. George....
& Hall. 7s. 6d. net.)—The present writer cannot help being reminded by Mr. George's new novel of the witty answer given by a former President of the Divorce and Admiralty Court......
Shorter Notices.
DIVERSIONS OF A DIPLOMAT. By Frank Rattigan, C.M.G. (Chapman and Hall. 16s. net.) Mr. Rattigan is very modest : he insists that his remin- iscences can only be of interest......
The Art Of Maupassant Consisted Almost Entirely In...
his plots with observation and "touches of common nature " ; and one can see in him, better than in any other writer, the workshop of the short-story writer. Though often he can......
Constitutional Church Government In The Dominions Beyond...
IN OTHER, PARTS OF THE ANGLICAN COMMUNION. By Henry Lowther Clarke, D.D., D.C.L. 25s.) This is a carefully compiled work, whose value as a book ' of reference will be lasting.......