News Of The Week.
TN less than a fortnight a new Parliament will have been returned. The Government decided on a much earlier election than anyone had anticipated and inci- dentally sacrificed......
The Labour Party Conference Broke Up In Order That The
delegates might at once disperse to the constituencies, but not before the Prime Minister had made an unreal speech laying the whole blame for the election which nobody wanted......
All This Is Old History, But It Is Necessary To
mention it again, as all Mr. MacDonald's speeches have strangely perverted the facts for the purpose of pretending that this unpopular General Election - has been forced by the......
Editorial And Publishing Offices:
13 York Street, Covent Garden, London, W.C.2. A SUBSCRIPTION IO THE SPECTATOR COME Thirty Shillings per annum, including postage to any part of the world.......
If Mr. Macdonald Had Honoured His Own Principles...
grant an inquiry and had also had the good sense to volunteer a personal statement to the House of Commons about the undesirability of his having accepted £80,000 from a friend......