18 OCTOBER 1924, page 34
Travellers' Tales.
Where the Cannibals Roam. By Merlin Moore Taylor. (Geoffrey Bles. 16s.) Unknown Tribes in Uncharted Seas. By Lady Richmond Brown. (Duckworth. 21s.) In the Nicobar Islands. By......
Modern Politics.
The Passing of Polities. By William Kay Wallace. (George Allen and Un.win. 12s. f3d. net.) IN the introduction to this book we are informed that political organization, suited......
The Little Gentleman Enlists.
Memoirs of the Foreign Legion. By M. M. With an Introduc* tion by D. H. Lawrence. (Seeker. 7s. (3d. net.) M. M., we are told by Mr. D. H. Lawrence, was the grandson of an......