18 OCTOBER 1924, Page 13


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIII,—May I, by the good nature of your journal, send a few words which can be brought eventually to the notice of children ? For many generations Youth has been a resolute stamp collector ; here is the opportunity for Youth to become a stamp distributor. A highly engaging card has been prepared, based on the name and reputation of Peter Rabbit, a character well known ,in nurseries and places where they read. Miss Beatrix Potter, who wrote the Peter Rabbit books, has given authority for the scheme to be organized. The card, with the battle-cry of, "Peter and his friends need your help 1" has spaces for fifteen stamps, and, in order that parents may not feel overlooked or neglected, there is a frame in which mother or father can set a contribution. The cards are obtained from Lady Algernon Gordon Lennox, 117 Picca- dilly, W. 1, and all the stamps go into the grateful cash-box of the Invalid Children's Aid Association.

The game affords to children who own good health an occasion to assist children who are ill, and the kindliness of it induces me to hope that you will allow me, in this manner, t3 give the rules wide and general notice.—I am, Sir, &c., (Signed) W. PETT RIDGE. The Garrick Club, London, W.C. 2.