We are greatly interested to find from the letters received
by us how deep an impression has been made by our publication of Professor Scott's letter and our endorsement of its aims. We have long desired to show, by a practical example, how a man can live" on his own," or almost on his own, by tilling a piece of land in his out- of-work hours. But first the War, and then other pre- occupations prevented our scheme materializing. Our correspondents' letters encourage us, however, to proceed and to raise a subscription to put the matter to the test. By the Spectator Experimental Company we changed the views of the experts in regard to the time it took to make an Infantry soldier. Why should not a Spectator Land Experiment wean people from the absurd view that, because it is difficult for a smallholder to market his goods and make a living, it is also impossible for a man who looks not to the market but to his table to help himself by the intensive cultivation of a third of an acre? Up to the point where a man and his family can consume their own produce, they can snap their fingers at the markets and at the people who manipulate them in Chicago or London. As soon as the Election is over we mean to take up the matter and see whether we cannot put a specific proposal before our readers. As a corre- spondent pointed out last week, the fino thing is to establish the facts by careful' supervision and inspection.