The favourable character of the last intelligence from the United States has given more firmness to the English Government Stocks, but the business trans- acted has been unimportant. The market has had an upward tendency; bin. the fluctuation has not exceeded 4 per cent, and teday the closing quotations are nearly the average of those of the week. Bank Stock has been done at 2094 and 2104; and Exchequer Bills are quoted at 58s. to 60s. prem. The Three-and-a-- Quarter per Cents have not recovered the decline which was caused last week by the operations of the Bank-broker. In the Foreign Market, the business In Bonds has not been extensive; but the transactions, as in the case of the English Funds, have generally been at advanced prices. The last intelligence from Mexico has operated very favourably upon 3Iexican Stock, which has risen from 14 to 2 per cent; being today at the highest quotation. The Deferred Bonds have likewise advanced nearly 1 per cent. Por- tuguese Securities are firmer; being today nearly 2 per cent above our last quotations. Several transactions have occurred in them yesterday and today. Spanish Stock of both varieties has also risen from 4 to 4 per cent: but from the paucity of business no bargains have occurred which require remark. The settlement of the Half-monthly Account in the Foreign House took place on Tuesday: from the little doing in stock that branch of the business was easily arranged. But the immense magnitude of the transactions in Railway Shares rendered the adjustment of outstanding bargains .within the time allotted for that purpose quite impossible, and much of the business that ought to have been then arranged remains now unsettled. The settlement of the Consol Account occurred on the same day; but, in consequence of the little speculation occurring in the English Stocks, the day, which used to be one of great business, passed off very quietly. The speculation in Railway Shares has for the most part been confined to the -smaller and newer varieties; those of the more important and finished lines, though firm and generally advancing, not having experienced much fluctuation. Several new schemes have either appeared in the market or are in progress. Among others, the Dublin, Belfast, and Coleraine, though heavy on their first -issue, have today risen to 14 premium. Speculation in the Irish lines appears to -be in favour just now; as all of them are rising, both those in embryo and in
Another railway has also e its appearance, namely, the
progress. mirier and Liege; which has been rim up to about 44 prem., but is this after- noon at a depression of II. a share from the highest price. A prospectus is like- wise in circulation o al Dutch railway, to be called the Over-Yssel Railway, for connecting the Zuyder Zee with the Rhine. This attempt to raise capital in England is remarkable when originating in a wealthy community like Holland; whose citizens are the bondholders of every State in Europe, and are not compelled, as the French and Belgians are, to seek abroad for capital to supply the means of constructing public works. The two York lines seem to be the especial objects of fluctuation and speculation, and have oscillated inversely almost daily, one risingas the other falls. The result of the week's business has been to establish the Direct Northern in the ascendancy. The minor French lines are without any material change. The more important ones are heavy; and at one period today these shares were generally depressed; but the minor ones have risen, leaving the more important still dull at the close. SATURDAY, TvrEzvz In the absence of any business of importance the prices both of English and Foreign are the same as yesterday's. The chief object of attraction in the Share Market have been the two competing York lines. The Committee upon the new bill of the Direct Northern having reported that the Standing Orders of thelutose of Commons have been complied with by the promoters of the bill, the On in favour of that line which arose yesterday afternoon, has been continued • mernilig4 andthe price advanced about 11. a share ;the Shares of the London and York dechnusg in nearly the same proportion. The price of the Direct Northern has since declined about 10s., and that of the London and York advanced to nearly the same extent. There is no material change in the French lines. The following is a list of the• bargains actually occurring: Aberdeen, 54; Bristol and Exeter New, 7; Cale- donian, 13; Cambridge and Lincoln, 934; Chester and Holyhead, 14 133; Chur- net, 94; Cornwall, 54; Direct Northern, 54 6 5i; Dublin and Belfast unction, 114; Dublin and Galway, 54; Eastern Counties, 214 21; Great Southern and Western, (Ireland,) 204 20; Blackwell, 84; Brighton, 64; South-western, 81; Lynn and Ely, 74; Manchester and Leeds, Half arm,., 64; Midland, Derby, and Birnungdam, 1194; Rugby, 5; South-eastern and Dover, 424; Trent Valley, 20; Bordeaux and Toulouse, 2i•' Great North of France, 54; Paris and Lyons, (La- flite's,) 24; Great North of France, 24; Louvain and Jemappes, 44 4.
The observations of Sir Robert Peel at the close of his speech last night, being held to indicate the possibility of a change of Ministry, have induced some operations for the fall; and Consols for Account have been as low as 99; closing, _however, at 994 4. The Foreign Bonds are without material change, though generally rather heavier than III the morning. The minor class of 'Railway Shares are also not so much in demand; but the more important lines are firm. We have to notice the following bargains in addition to those given in the morning: Caledonian, 124; Cambridge and Lincoln, 94; Chester and Holyhead, 144; Churuet Valley, 94; Dublin and Belfasti91114; Dublin and Galway', 54; Great North of Fnpland, 201; Great Western, 1 187 189; Ditto, Half-shares, 1064; Ditto, Fifth-shares, 424; Harwich, 24 ; Lancaster and Carlisle, 454 4; Croydon, 18; London and York, 34; lifidland, 158; Ditto, New, 9; Newry and Enniskillen, 5; North Kent, 34; Rugby, 4; South Devon, 274,7; South-eastern andDover, 424; Ditto, New, No. 2, 8; Ditto, No. 3, 84 8; Scottish Midland, 4* i; Ditto, Cen- tral, 74; Armagh and Coleraine, 3. There is no material change in the French Shares; though generally they are not so firm, especially the heavier shares. a Per Cent Consols 99 4 Columbian ex Venezuela ... 15, 164
Ditto for Account 004 4 Danish 3 per Cents 87 9
3 per Cent Reduced.. ..... 99 4 Dutch 24 per Cents 631 i
31 per Cents 10O l Ditto 4 per Cents ex d
Long Annuities II 7-16 4 Belgian 21 per Gents 774 8 Bank Stock 210 4 Mexican 5 per Cents 374 81 -Exchequer Bills Prem. 58 60 Ditto Deferred 184 19 India Stock 277 9 Portuguese NewS p. CUL 1841 664 74
BrazIlLan 5 per Cents 879 Russian 5 per Cents 1164 174 Belgian 44 per Cents 101 2 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 301 if Milian 6 per Cents 100 2 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 401 I