The Poll At The Election Of A Member For Greenock
closed, on Thursday, with 350 votes for Mr. Heine, and 344 for Mr. Dunlop; majority, 6.......
Panorama Of Nanking.
MR. BURFORD now transports us from Leicester Square into the heart of the Celestial Empire. On an eminence reached by a few steps, his visiters command a bird's-eye view of the......
Mr. Pringle, Who, We Presume, Is No Longer A Lord
of the Treasury, voted in the minority against the Government. It will he difficult for the Government to fill his place with another Scotch Member who supports the Maynooth......
The Paris Prase Of Thursday Has Pacific News From...
Lucerne is taking steps to release its prisoners; Berne is suspending from office all public functionaries who joined the invading Free Corps; and reconciliation dawns upon the......
SATUBDAY NIGHT. 7 The adjourned debate in the House of Commons, on the second reading of the bill for endowing Maynooth College, ended last night—the sixth night of the......