News Of The Week.
MoomooTH is again the prominent topic of the week, both in and out of Parliament. Public meetings against the Endowment Bill have been held in all quarters; the product has been......
Bitates Artb 1 ) 9race:ringsin Tiarliament.
ENDOWMENT OF MAYNOOTH COLLEGE. -renewed. r notices were also given. Mr. FERRAM) gave this adjourned debate-on the second reading of the Maynooth College Bill, the notice `ref......
Lord Brougham Has "drawn Attention" To Two Facts...
railways, that ought to provoke some more effectual atten- .tion to growing evils,—the excess of speculation, often not very .lucrative, sometimes quite profitless and ruinous ;......
The Foreign News Consists Of Minor Gossip.
The Swiss Diet cannot make up the Federal mind on the real causes of the anarchy in the republic : poor paltering negative :measures are all that obtain concurrence among......