Topics Of The Day.
THE MORALE OF PEEL. SIR ROBERT PEEL has propounded what is really a minor mea- sure a matter of detail in carrying out the Irish policy which he evidently contemplated from the......
But The Appearance Of Duprez At Drury Lane In The
part of Edgar in The Bride of Lammermoor, originally written for him by Doniz.etti, has been the great event of the week, musical and dramatic. This opera, so universally......
Auber's Comic Opera Le Dec Crol.nne Is Got Up At
the Princess's in a very creditable manner; though the English version is of the homeliest, and its performance will gratify those only who have not seen it on the French stage.......
Mr. Russell Is Enlivening And Instructing The Evening...
the Polytechnic Institution with a Lecture on Singing, that most amateurs, and some professional vocalists, might benefit by attending. Mr. Russell's illustrations of the......
The Reign Of Laughter Has Now Fairly Commenced At The
French Plays ; M. Ravel being the first of the "merry monarchs" in that dynasty of drol- lery .wherein MM. Arnal and Achard are his appointed successors. M. Ravel made his first......