On the 15th February, at Bona Vista,in the Cape Verd Islands, the Ron. Mrs. H. W. Macaulay, of a son.
On the 34 April, at Pau, South of France, the Lady of the Hon. B. Cary, of aeon. On 111e-8th, at the Bishop of Hereford's, Hill Street, the Hon. Mrs. Musgrave, of .a SOP, still-born.
On the 9th, at Newton House, Stamford, the Lady of Wynne Earle Welby,Esq., M.P. for Grantham, of a son. '
On the 11th, at the Nash, near Worcester; the Lady, of Richard Temple, Esp. ocip daughter.
On the 12th, Lady Mordaunt, of a son.
On the 13th, in C,oleshill Street, Eatou Square, the Lady of Judged:townie, of Dette. real, of a non.
On Ihe 14th, at Paris, the Lady of Sir Alexander Youeg Spearman, Bart-, of a sea, On-the 15th, at Frittenden Rectory, the Lady Rani& Moore...era daughter. On the 15th, at Bolton Lodge, Tadcaster, the Lady of Colonel G. H. Thompson, of is. inland heir.
On the 10Ih April, at Loudottu Castle, Ayrshire, the brazquirtolBute.lo,Lady &Ghia Frederica Christina Hastings.
On the 10th, at Bansteacl, Captain Stanhope, JUN., to Mary, second daughter of Gee late ViceTAdmiral.Sir Edward James Foote, K.C.B.
On the 10th, at Raehllis, Sir Graham Graham Montgomery, Bart., of Stanhope.* Alice. youngest daughter of John James Hope Johnstone, Esq., ALP., of Annaudalee
On the 12th, at holy-Trinity' Church, Cloudesley Square, the Rev. John Breretend. 'wear of Poddingtom. Bedfordshire, to Eleanor Davis. Poole, eldest daughter of thie late Captain Parker, formerly on the Staff in Canada, and Private Secretary to hit Royal Highness the Duke of Kent.. On the 14th, at Donnybrook, Church, Dublin, John Lees. Esq., eldest son of T. Ord° 'Lees, Esq., of Bloomfield, to -Lady inuisaltaatings, yotuigest daughter of the late and. plater of the present-Earl of Huntingdon. On the- 15th, at Hurley Church, Henry Ainslie, only son of Henry-Charles Hoare. Esq., of Wavendon House, Bucks, to.Augusta Frances, second daughter of Sir Eerie . George Clayton East, Bart., of Hall Place, Berks. On the 15th, at St.-James's Church, Colchester, Augustus Montague Cooper' Lieu- tenant of the Fifty-second Regiment, 31.N.I., to Elizabeth, daughter of the late Maier- General Borthwick, A.A.
On the 16th, at St. George's, Hanover Square, the Hon. William Ii. H. Willie Hedges, second sea- of the Earl of Bantry, to Jane, youngest daughter of the: ISO Charles John Herbert, Esq., of Meknes, Killarney. , On the 16th, at St. George's, Hanover Square, the Bev. John Jervis -White Jerithl, A.B., of Trinity College, Dublin, eldest son of Sir Henry Meredyth Jervis White Jervie, 'Bart., of Bally-Ellis, county of Wexford, to Mary, third daughter of Thomas Massa Alsager, Esq., of Queen Square, Bloomsbury.
On the 17th. at All Souls Church, Laugharn Place, Frederick Parr Phillips, Eel.. M.A., of Christ Church, Oxford. =dilate s.f D'Abernon House, Surrey, to Jane (hank, only daughter of Sir James ArGrigor, Bart., K.C.T.S., Director-General of the Auer: Medical Department.
On-the 2d April, atNaples, Admiral. Sir - Philip Charles Henderson Calderwood ham, G.C.B. ; in his 83d year. On the 6th, at Torquay, Devon, LueyEarriet, wife of the Rev. Arthur Pane, Vicar off Warminster, and eldest daughter of John Benoit, Esq., M.P. for South Wilts.
On the 9th, at Ramsgate, Mrs. Beaver, widow of the late Lieutenant-General Beevor, Royal Artillery. On the 11th, in Mary Street, Hampstead Road, Matthias Von Hoist, the celebrated composer of music ; in his 86th year. On the 12th, at Blessingtou, county of Wicklow, the Marquis of Downshire ; in his 57th year.
On the 12th, at Bridge Castle, Sussex, the Right Hon. John Earl of Abergavennr ; In his 55th year.
On the 14th, in Henrietta Street, Cavendish Square, Lady Stepney, widow of the late Sir Thomas Stepney, Bart.
On the 14th, in Grafton Street, Colonel Clive, Grenadier Guards ; in his 51st year. On the 15th,,in Lamb's Conduit Street, Mary, the widow of Captain Joshua Mulock.. R.N. ; in her 92d year.